What we believe
St Christopher’s is an open, inclusive community-based Anglican Church. We believe that God loves everyone no matter who they are or at what stage of life they are. We believe that God wants everyone to know his love and to live life’s journey with him so that all may have the abundance of life that God wants for us.
We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate, forging community and proclaiming God’s love. We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people as fellow travellers in life wherever you may be on your spiritual journey.
At St Christopher’s we are trying to be a place of worship and a centre of engagement with the whole community of Hinchley Wood. As a community hub we aim to provide a wide range of events for children and families, for those who live alone and for those who are getting on in years – both within the church itself and in the church hall.