This Week’s Intercessions
Let us pray to the God of glory who loves us all and the world he has created.
We pray for the Church that those who teach, preach and lead may live by Jesus’ example and teaching. As our advertisement for a new priest in charge has now been publicised, we pray that there may be a good response and that we will be able to appoint a priest who will lead us into the future with faith and confidence.
Lord, in your mercy …..
We pray for Archbishop Justin Welby, that he may know your love for him, and that you will guide him as to his future. We pray too for his family as they adapt to a new way of living. May we and all Christian people understand a little of the difficult decision he has made, and respect his honesty in his explanations.
Lord, in your mercy …….
We pray for the church as we keep this Sunday as Safeguarding Sunday. We remember how Jesus came as a healer, full of love and compassion. May we too, with love, speak up for those who have no voice, or feel pressurised to make decisions not of their choosing. As the assisted dying bill goes through parliament, we pray for all those who make decisions about people’s lives, that they may use wisdom, compassion and love in their responsibility for others.
Lord, in your mercy …….
We pray for the world, that all in positions of power, authority and influence may recognise their calling to servanthood and never lose their empathy with the needs and longings of those they serve. We pray for America, that the new government may think of the good of all before making decisions, both within their own country and in their relations with the wider world.
Lord, in your mercy……
We pray for all communities, including those we belong to. May they look after one another, supporting the vulnerable, encouraging the timid, providing practical help for those who need it, and nurturing the young in a climate of trust.
Lord, in your mercy …..
We pray for the sick in body mind and spirit – that no-one may be considered expendable, or beyond caring for; we pray for all who have lost heart, through pain suffering or sin, that God’s redeeming power may work its wonders in the very darkest situations.
Lord, in your mercy …..
We pray for those who have died, that they may know the peace of burdens laid down, and new, everlasting life transforming them through the eternal love of God.
We pray too for their loved ones, that they may receive comfort from you and from those close to them.
Lord, in your mercy …..
Finally, we pray for ourselves, that we may find new joy in loving and serving , rejoicing in the privilege of following Jesus.
Merciful God, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.