Latest Eco Tip – Choose your compost carefully

One of St. Christopher’s pledges is to be an eco-church and we are participating in the A-Rocha Eco-Church Award scheme. This scheme suggests eco-initiatives, in a variety of areas, that church communities could introduce. ‘Success’ is measured by an award of bronze, silver, and ultimately gold status.

One initiative is to offer ‘eco-tips’ to our church community. We have researched the internet, put together a number of ideas, and hope you will find some of them to be thought-provoking, and useful!

Eco tips on the theme of eco-friendly gardening

For this series of eco tips we will be looking how gardening in an eco-friendly way aligns with the Christian principles of stewardship and care for God’s creation. By gardening in an eco-friendly manner, we can demonstrate reverence for the environment, acknowledging that all life is interconnected and deserving of respect. Additionally, sustainable gardening practices reflect a commitment to loving our neighbour, as they promote the well-being of current and future generations by conserving natural resources, preserving biodiversity, and mitigating climate change impacts.

Eco tip: Choose your compost carefully
The most eco-friendly type of compost is one you create yourself. However, for those who need to buy compost, check that the product is certified by the Soil Association a certified organic peat-free compost is produced used organic material and methods without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.

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